Webbering has provided professional websites services for over 21+ years. We’ve designed websites for a wide range of needs, both business, organization and personal. Webbering only designs websites using W3C standards for Responsive Web Design (RWD) and uses the Cloudflare CDN to ensure availability as well as high quality performance to every internet user globally.
Our business strategy is to build long term relationships with clients. We are not a firm that simply designs/develops websites and then turns it over to the client. Our commitment is for ongoing service including hosting all of our websites and providing ongoing support / maintenance of the websites.
Using this strategy, we rarely require an upfront development fee as we factor the time to design and development into a two-year timeframe with no contracts. Basically, while we do most of our work in the first few weeks, we don’t get ‘fully’ paid until the end of the 2nd year. So what happens if a client leaves? We assist in any transition but do not require payment for the full 24 months. Our opinion is that if we cannot provide the quality of service to retain a client for the first two 2 years, then we don’t blame them for going elsewhere. We want clients that will stay with us for 5-10-15 years! In the 21 years of providing service to over 200+ clients, we have only had one client who left due to dissatisfaction. We not perfect but we’re better than most.
Currently 1/3 of our clients have been with us for over 10 years and 48% have been with us for over 5 years.